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  • Ari Hammond

Welcome to BVB!

Welcome to the Black Voices of Brookwood Blog. My name is Ari, and I'm the founder and editor-in-chief of this publication. In my three years at Brookwood High School, I, like many, have been searching for a sense of belonging, a community. In creating this blog, my fellow editors and I hope to leave a legacy of unity, representation, and support for black students and build the community we've wanted to see.

All Black students need a space where our struggles and triumphs are heard and understood; The Black Voices of Brookwood (BVB) Blog aims to be that space. We hope to act as a platform for creative, passionate, intellectual discussions about the Black experience at Brookwood and in the world.

We welcome submissions of poetry, creative writing, and essays about the Black experience from our peers. Lend us your voice and help create a Black community at Brookwood High.


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