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  • Ari Hammond

Community Spotlight: The Brookwood Dance Program

Hello, Broncos! In honor of National Hip-Hop History Month and to continue supporting all of the Brookwod arts programs, this month's community spotlight is about our Dance Program. We were lucky enough to talk with dance team captain Nickaelia Stamp, who explained everything you need to know about the dance program.

To start, the program itself consists of two separate bodies: the Dance Team and the Dance Department.

According to Nickaelia, "[The] dance department consists of students who auditioned to be in a class; it’s an elective like chorus." The Dance Department is responsible for the fall and spring performances at school. Unlike the dance team, there is no hierarchy of leadership, Nickaelia explains, and all the dancers are equals. The teacher, Ms. Ellen Tshudy, heads the department, though, and there are various levels of classes within the department. As a result, "the less advanced class periods look up to the more advanced classes." You can learn more about the Dance Department on their page on the BHS website.

In contrast to the department, the Dance Team is a sport. They "perform at basketball games and compete in GHSA competitions," Nickaelia explained. You can see more about them on Instagram or support them and our Basketball program in the upcoming season.

This article is particularly relevant due to the show currently being produced by the Dance Department, Blessed Movements. The above graphic lists show times and a QR code for tickets. As you can see, the last show is this afternoon at 1!

When asked about the show, Nickaelia says, "You can look forward to seeing a little bit of everything. We’ll have Caribbean, hip-hop, lyrical, jazz, and more." Though none of our writers can attend the performance, from what we've gathered on friends' Instagrams, the show is an exemplary spectacle of technique, talent, and dedication from our dancers, in addition to just being a great time.

Nickaelia explains the extensive work the department and team put into their performances to stay in shape, keep their technique sharp, and consistently improve. In addition to their rehearsal process, "[a]fter shows, we learn a couple of combos or even work on technique and skills [..] to keep us moving." Outside of shows, Nickaelia says, the dancers are "usually more focused on choreography for the basketball games."

Looking to the future, you can see our Dance Team during the basketball season and an encore from the Department in next semester's Spring Show.

About her role as Dance Team captain and experience as a dancer, Nickaelia explained that dance has always been an integral part of her life.

"I’ve been dancing since I was about 2 years old," she says. "I can’t really explain what drew me to it, but it was always something I wanted to do."

Nickaelia and her co-captain Ciara (who we did not reach out to for comment) are role models for the dance team, maintaining order, camaraderie, and peace among their teammates.

"I listen to any concerns or recommendations they have, along with giving them advice of my own. I also make sure that I keep the team on the same level, to make sure that everyone feels welcomed and like their voices are heard."

Because she is also a senior, we also asked Nickaelia about her future plans with dance.

She plans to go into engineering but also hopes to "minor in dance or even take classes and perform." She eventually dreams of "[becoming] a choreographer and owning a studio."

As another reminder, today at 1pm is the last day to see Nickaelia and the rest of the Dance Department in their Fall Show, Blessed Movements. Buy your tickets on GoFan!


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